Fauna Forever

Good morning and welcome to The Amazon

Posted in Factual Amazon, Political Amazon, Tales from the Team, Tales from the Volunteers by Fauna Forever in the Amazon rainforest on May 25, 2010

Welcome to a new platform for discussing the Amazon rainforest.  In particular, we will be talking much about the region in Peru called Tambopata. Why Tambopata? Because this is arguably the most biologically diverse area on our planet and a good example of the ‘ups and downs’ of a typical Amazon rainforest region.

We are a registered charity in Peru; a group of dedicated scientists, artists, communication specialists, anthropologists, researchers, volunteers, writers, photographers, teachers and businessmen from many different continents, working with many organisations, working with local people, with one common goal.

Together, we want to learn about this invaluable resource and pass on the information we gather to the rest of the World in a way which is easy and interesting enough to digest happily over a morning coffee. The more minds we can put together on this platform, the more chance we will have to bring change. Together, let’s discover new ways of protecting and replanting the Amazon.

We believe that if you are reading this you will likely know the importance of the rainforest. But perhaps, you won’t feel the importance until it’s too late… or will you?

Welcome to Fauna Forever.