Fauna Forever

My time in the Amazon, by Ian Rowbotham (FFT Volunteer)

Posted in Tales from the Volunteers by Fauna Forever in the Amazon rainforest on September 14, 2010

My time in the Amazon solidified a life-long passion for conservation, and serves as a foundational experience that I can draw from for energy and direction in the future. On lighter terms, it was also an absolute blast and although the time flew by faster than I would have hoped, I could spend days reflecting on the memories from Peru. From waking up to the sound of howler monkeys overhead while sleeping in a hammock at an oxbow lake to chasing a giant anteater through the jungle, they’re difficult to put into words and impossible to think of without smiling.

            Beyond the pure epic-ness of the Amazon, volunteering with FFT gave a first-hand view of the application of conservation. While studying it in a classroom and postulating about its dire need and potential across the globe, actually seeing the obstacles, hurdles, and tribulations involved with its implementation puts it in an entirely different light. The ruthless power of the gold miners and the infuriating complacency of the corrupt officials turns even the most well meaning projects into battles, while poverty forces local populations into putting up with dangerous, destructive, and often avoidable activities. Uniting the desires of conservationists with the needs of the inhabitants is essential, and experiencing this war of trade-offs where entire ecosystems are at stake up close will drive me in pursuit of future solutions. The work of FFT is a necessity in the path to sustainable conservation, and offers an invaluable opportunity for those planning a future in the field.

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